#khh drabble
yawnzzznnn · 10 months
A collection of a few of my favorite pics of Ash Island
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minimultiestfandoms · 3 months
˜”*°• ˜”*°• ! simon dominic masterlist ! •°*”˜ •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
Simon Dominic as a boyfriend!
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
Nothing Yet!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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sadfragilegirl · 5 months
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Whether you're admiring of his beautiful tattoos etched all over his body or feeling crazy of the way he sprays water on himself, you will always feel flustered, having butterflies in your stomach and your heart beating faster everytime you look at shirtless RAVI/Kim Wonshik. 🔥🥵😍🔥
Also, it made you feeling aroused and horny everytime you look at him and his shirtless look. (Especially when he dreched himself with water (and sweat) all over his body.) 🔥🥵😍🔥
(I am trying to write my VIXX Ravi smut, so...please look forward to it and it will be my first ever attempt to write a Kpop smut. It will be posted on AO3. No date announcements yet unlike the Ravi 100% fluff scenario, which it will be posted this February 15.)
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jun2u · 2 years
hello !! i’m a new khh / kpop fanfic blog and am hoping to get a glimpse of what YOU would like to read / see more in the community !! therefore i’ve created a google form here where you can submit any suggestions / informal requests you have ( NSFW questions included but optional !! ) ! if you could take just a few minutes to fill this out with your preferences you’d really help me out , plus who knows ? your requests might make it as one of my first fics ! thank u and have the best day <3
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gidakata · 8 months
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Stray Kids heart to heart (Minsung) I'm Haunted By Your Love (Minsung)
Krnb & Khh TBA TBA TBA
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𝓕𝓲𝓬𝓼 Stray Kids Spiral. Nothing But Trouble Rosario Angel's Trumpet Angel's Trumpet 2022 AMANITA. I Care Too Much About You I Let The Wrong One Go. Suddenly, I'm Drowning I Don't Recognize You Anymore. All I Need To Feel If I Want To Stay Alive, You Should Never Cross My Mind. To Reach The Next Morning Feeling My Faith Erode (with @btchbtchna) Baby Can't You See...? Just Follow Your Eyes Don't Let Me Die Here A Blade Of Grass Where Is My Mind? Need A Reference Photo? PANDORA [DISCONTINUED] Whisper heart to heart (fic ver.) Even Expression Is A Luxury (incomplete) hesperidium. (incomplete) Series Twitter Drabbles Backed-Up GORETOBER Interactive Fics VORACIOUS BTS TBA Khh & Krnb TBA
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ladyofthecastleproject · 11 months
The Knight and the Prince in the Castle
[AO3 version]
Inside the castle, a battle occurs and V-mon worries for Lightnimon’s life. Then, Wallace has the visit of a familiar face… Could Wallace be rescued from Duskmon’s hands? Or…?
[Notes: It takes place in 2008; this was the first drabble I wrote actually...]
Something was moving quickly through the corridors of this new rendition of Vamdemon’s castle. It wasn’t exactly the same place Taichi and the Chosen Children had ventured in before, but some mysterious one was built during those times.
Maybe it was all an illusion, or it was created by magic. No one knows.
The mysterious shadow approaches from the door of a room in which a special person was inside. He was running out of time, and V-mon was next to him trying to keep him cool. The digimon next to the black armored shadow -- one armor with Lighdramon motif -- was denouncing his identity. But he didn’t care at this point, he couldn’t waste his chance.
But something happened.
Once the door opened, a digimon attacked them. It wasn’t the kid’s digimon, so it was supposed to be one of the soldiers from the real bad guy.
Wielding this glaive Lighdramon-based weapon, he and V-mon dodged from the enemies attack and prepared to battle.
“What’s this?”
“Undead digimon, MadLeomon” V-mon explained, “I can handle it by myself”
“You kidding!? I won’t let you fight alone!”
“We’re here to rescue Wallace, not to pick a fight with a sentinel!”
“Sigh…” he couldn’t evolve his partner-in-crime right now…
“Why are you here?”
Wallace appeared behind MadLeomon, not amused by those two’s presence.
“We came to rescue you!” V-mon said.
“I don’t need to be rescued, go away.”
“W-wait!” the armored ‘digimon’ shouted, “You want to stay here!?”
“I don’t need to talk with you.”
“They’re using you, Wallace!”
“Leave me alone, Chocomon is gone! Gummymon is missing! And this is all YOUR fault!”
MadLeomon dashed through the corridor, trying to hit the two prey with their arms. V-mon and the incognito warrior avoided it by dodging to the edges of the field.
“They brainwashed him!” V-mon warned his companion.
“Oh really? Darn it, Wallace!”
“Brainwashed…? How can I be brainwashed if I wanted to be here!? They explained my role in this world, while you and your friends lied to me.”
“What the heck are you talking about!?” the duo dodged another blow, “Daisuke-kun and his friends did not lie to you! Their group found Gummymon, and they weren’t aware of such power!!”
Wallace’s eyes showed a spark of light to the mention of Gummymon.
“T-they… Found him?”
However, MadLeomon kept attacking their opponents with no mercy. And they didn’t attack back with the fear of hitting their friend.
“Chocomon might be gone! But we can find him” V-mon yelled, “Please, come with us!”
“I… I can’t!”
“Gummymon might hate me now, he might think I abandoned him but, but…!!”
“He does not hate yo--” The armored ‘digimon’ dodged another attack but got hit by a second blow, “Khh!!”
“L-Lightnimo--”  by V-mon despair, he also got caught off guard and hit by MadLeomon’s punches. He flew away, collapsing on the ground next to ‘Lightnimon’.
“He… Stop, please! L-Let them talk, you don’t need to protect me anymore!!”
“Master’s orders is to not let you alone and fight anyone who dares to stay on your way.”
“Bu-but they’re not doing anything wrong, please stop!”
“My orders are to eliminate whoever steps in.”
“No, leave them alone! MY order is to you stop right now!” Wallace stared at the undead digimon, and the digimon somehow stopped.
“Master won’t like this…”
“Well? I’m YOUR master now, and I order you to leave them alone.”
“Yes, master Wallace…” MadLeomon stepped back, and then the boy ran to the other two on the floor.
“Please don’t die here… I would go with you but I can’t, I’ve been watched and this might not be good for either of us…”
“Ghn…” V-mon got up, and then the other very slowly.
“W-we... Can’t leave you h-here…!” the masked ‘digimon’ said.
“... I’m sorry it’s all my fault. It’s my fault that you got hurt…! It’s my fault that I got separated from Gummymon, it’s my fault that Chocomon egg didn’t hatch--”
“It’s not your fault!” he grabbed Wallace by his collar, “You got fooled and kidnapped, we couldn’t do anything to stop it before! Gummymon does not hate you, neither Daisuke-kun nor his friends!”
“We need to leave this place right now, Lightni” V-mon alerted his partner, “I feel something is coming…!”
“W-why are you talking funny?!” Wallace frowned, “That’s not like you…”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about!I don’t speak funny, that’s my way to be!”
“No really, you’re talking very funny, also what’s with that get up…? You wanted to be cool and save me like your beloved prince?” Wallace smirked.
“You idiot I’m not who you think I am!! I’m--”
“Quit babbling and let’s get outta here Lightni!!”
“R-right…! We will come back for you…!” He freed Wallace and ran after V-mon.
They jumped from the corridor’s window, and mysteriously V-mon evolved to a Fladramon with flaming wings sprouting from his back. Wallace watched them vanish in the horizon, as the other guards reached the floor they were on.
Filled with doubts, the boy couldn’t tell what was said by that mysterious knight.
Somehow, he felt that ‘digimon’ was familiar…
“What are you doing, Daisuke?” was all he could think about.
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silvermistcosmos · 1 year
good luck with your new work then!! keep me updated on how you’re keeping up with it♥️ rooting for you bub!!
you make me wish i got home-schooled too because working at your own pace and sleeping in</3 the dream honestly,,, i’ve studied my entire life in private school and let me tell you that stuff is kinda crazy there too lol, but i made a lot of friends that i still talk to nowadays so i think that’s the only cool part about all of this.
yes khh and kr&b are some of my favorite genres along with k-indie <33 so !! yes, def give those genres a try.
JAY💔 park jongseong my beloved, he’s so attractive and talented and lovable and</333 i get it what you’re saying. we love jay in this house
ohhh when i first started with kpop my first group was bts too hekwsi jungkook used to be my ult but i just listen casually to them now, they’re still very dear to me<3 oh and i’ve heard songs from dkb! i saw them debuting so ik they’re really talented ♡ AND !!! OMG YOURE A FIX??? the taste‼️ it’s so weird to me whenever i find a fix because my cix boys are so underrated 😭😭 who’s your bias??? i also realized that i stan almost all of the groups you stan!! we love multis in this house🤍
HELPP HELWJA TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE</3 jake has been bias wrecking me soooo much lately like,,,, he has something going on that makes all of us fall for his charm😓 and niki and his blonde long hair looks so pretty omg</33
about the spotify!! i promise i’ll share it with you after i post my drabble for you because,,, what if you discover who i am before i get to “unmask” myself??:p
(talking about the drabble,,, is there a certain genre you would prefer?👀 or a certain enha member???)
I feel like being homeschooled though, there's usually a lot more pressure with grades and going to college and being this very very book smart, know everything kind of person. OR it's very possibe I'm just stereotyping because a lot of the families I know that are homeschooled are huge on that sort of thing, but I also know there are tons of public schoolers that go through that as well. But it is really nice to be able to do things in the middle of the day like going out and taking breaks and stuff like that. I sometimes wonder what it's like in school and how I would manage.
yesss, i mostly listen casually to bts now, but I honestly think it would be so nostalgic to go to one of their concerts because oh my gosh, a few of their songs have A PLACE IN MY HEART FRFR! ALSOOOo, I wouldn't call myself a fix, YET! I want to be! I just haven't gotten to know the members yet, but I really love their music! any song recommendations or videos to help me get more into the group? ahhh similar music tastes, I LIKEY!!!
okies! that sounds good! i totally understand the wanting to stay anonymous. I'm also staying anonymous for now with the person im writing my drabble for. it's more exciting that way i feel like.
(ok ok, fluff and humor are always my go to, but some good angst to make me cry is always good too so whatever you feel most comfortable with. do you want to make me cry is the real question. if so, you're providing the tissues.)
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nianawrites · 5 years
Found (Simon Dominic)
He was tired of the image the public paints of him that most times it felt like a chore to keep up with. It was no easy task to act nonchalant and indifferent and to always have a snarky remark but he kept on sinking - drowning.
Smirking has become his usual that genuinely smiling hurts him. The loneliness kept gnawing on him- slowly feasting on his soul. It felt like he was living on a studio with the public as the directors and the media as the editors. Even his workplace becomes suffocating at times laced with pressure and envy.
People kept telling him he was living the dream. Voices in his head yell at him at dawn as he lie wide awake, staring at nothing. They kept telling him he should be thankful for the things he has, for the luxury he could afford, and the wretched consequences it entails.
Maybe he's really living the dream - after all, nightmares are dreams too.
But as he struggled with his demons, there came you. Like a moth to a flame, he craved you. At long last, he found someone who sees him for who he is. You accepted all his flaws despite outweighing the goods and never dictated him of who he should be.
No, you didn't let him spread his wings because he didn't have them, nobody does. What you did was help him get back the pieces of him that people cruelly stole. You stood aside, protecting him as he slowly straightened out his body that's been bent for so long. You did not save him. You encouraged him to save his self.
The world is still as cruel as it was yesterday but now, he's found his solace.
As he found you, he also found himself.
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channy-mae · 5 years
Just a Splash
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You just wanted to enjoy the brisk summer breeze on the balcony, though instead it seems you’ll simply have to deal with the fact that you weren’t about to get any alone time for a while. You glance over at Minsik who was just sitting right next to you, legs atop yours, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. Making a face at him you turn away and look out at the stars, the clear night sky was calming and beautiful. You were starting to drift off a bit, “Hey...babe..get in the pool.”
You shake some of the tiredness away and drag your legs from under him. “You want me to do what?” You weren’t sure what to make of his sudden and odd request. “Get in the pool real quick.” This time there was a slight whine when he said it, while cute didn’t convince you to get inside the pool. “You realize it’s,” you check around him to the clock in the living room, “11:30 at night right, I thought you had to go in early to the studio tomorrow anyway.” He doesn’t say anything at first, just glances back at his phone and scrolls a bit, before turning it to face you. He was on Instagram looking at the fed from his friends, all of whom were in pools with really attractive women.
Not being able to stop the little giggle that escapes you push his phone back to his chest, “You mean to tell me you want some sort of Instagram picture?” You stand up hands on your hips. “I’m also not even wearing a swimsuit, and what would you even gain from posting that-“ before you could finish you stumble back into the pool, arms flailing out. Splashing backwards, you resurface sputtering up water, and trying to wipe wet hair from your face. “MINSIK WHAT THE HELL!” You shout, splashing around a bit. When you were finally able to open your eyes, a bright flash reblinded you for a moment. “Perfect!” Was all you heard before he jumps in after you and wraps you in his arms quickly. You couldn’t get anything out before he placed his lips on yours in a short kiss, “The prettiest out of any of those other pictures the guys have.” He whispers pulling away. You just looked at him, the smile on his face was so sweet. Pushing him back just a tad, you splash him as hard as you could, laughing when he started sputtering like you did. “Now we’re even!” You giggle.
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yawnzzznnn · 8 months
✮Boyfriend texts with Ash Island✮
✮TW: cursing :
✮Taglist: @cherriruto
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minimultiestfandoms · 3 months
˜”*°• *.* ˜”*°• ! dpr live masterlist ! •°*”˜ *.* •°*”˜
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| Headcanons |
DPR LIVE as a boyfriend!
Nothing Yet!
| Reactions |
Nothing Yet!
| Fake Texts |
Nothing Yet!
| Drabbles |
Nothing Yet!
| Series |
Nothing Yet!
| Timestamps |
Nothing Yet!
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siwontrash · 7 years
Crisp (Sik-k Scenario)
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POV: Second (male x female)
Genre: idk fluff and comedy?
You jolted awake when a horrid smell filled your nose. Once you were fully awake, you remembered that you had been baking cookies and had put them in the oven. Your feet had been hurting, so you decided to relax and watch some TV but accidentally fell asleep.
Smoke started flooding in from the kitchen and you gasped and ran to the oven. You opened it and screamed, “El fuego!”, upon seeing that the cookies were on fire. Not too sure what to do, you put on oven mitts, hastily pulled out the cookie sheet, and threw it into the sink. “Muy caliente!”
Minsik walked in and asked, “What are you doing that requires yelling in Spanish?” His eyes widened when he saw the fire. “Grab the fire extinguisher!”
“I don’t know where it is!”
“Shit. I don’t either.” Both of you ran around the house until you found the fire extinguisher buried in the linen closet and put out the fire. “What was that even supposed to be?”
“Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies,” you mumbled and set the fire extinguisher on the counter.
“Really? Oatmeal? Neither of us like oatmeal.”
“Yeah, but I got bored.”
“You could have made regular chocolate chip.”
“We needed to get rid of the oatmeal! We don’t use it.”
“It could have been thrown away or donated.”
“We can still donate the cookies.”
“Hell no. You shouldn’t be left alone when cooking or baking.”
“I wasn’t alone. You were here.”
“I was working.”
“And where were you working?”
He cleared his throat and awkwardly looked around. “In the back room...”
“Did you not smell something burning?”
“Fine, I guess we’re both to blame.”
“Whenever I bake or cook, we’ll be in the same room together to make sure nothing happens.”
“Sounds good.” He started picking at one of the burnt cookies and you slapped his hand.
“No, you can’t eat that or you’ll be sick.”
“Because it’s almost cremated!”
“Fair enough… Can you make more cookies?”
“On what?”
“Do you love me?”
He smiled and hugged around your waist. “Of course I do. I love you more than anything else in this world.”
“Even more than music?” You nestled your face into his neck and laid your hands on his chest.
“I love you and music, but in different aspects.”
“I guess I can’t really argue about that. What kind of cookies do you want?”
“The best kind: chocolate chip.”
“Okay, then I’ll get started. You can sit in the living room and I’ll be in there when they’re in the oven.”
He nodded and kissed your forehead, lazily going into the living room. You giggled to yourself when you heard him flop onto the couch and groan, and you got started on the new batch.
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promise-ill-be-blog · 7 years
Doing His Makeup (Dean Scenario)
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Admin: Nari
POV: Second (male x female)
Genre: Fluff, tad bit of comedy
A/N: I decided to make the ‘YouTube Life’ scenario into a mini-series where the girlfriend (reader) is a blooming YouTuber and each scenario will include her doing different YouTube videos with Dean. Please don’t let this die out.
You laid your makeup and makeup tools out on a table and giggled excitedly. After practically harassing him for months, Dean finally agreed to let you do a video where you try to put makeup on him. Admittedly, you weren’t a makeup artist but you considered yourself to be fairly decent. He wore makeup, but it was never much, only extending to BB cream, filling in his eyebrows, and occasionally some taupe brown eyeshadow.
You sat down next to him in a chair and turned on the camera. “Hey, guys, and welcome to today’s video! Today, I’m going to be putting makeup on Dean. I have all that I need laying out in front of me. Let’s hope this goes well, because I had to beg him to allow this.”
Turning to face him, you saw that he had been looking at you and smiling creepily for who-knows-how-long. “Dean-! You know what, we’re going with it. I refuse to refilm this.” He chuckled and pecked your lips, obviously amused by his frustrated girlfriend.
“So what’s first?”
“The primer.” You squirted a pea-sized amount onto your fingertips and began smoothing it into his skin. “Wait, did you moisturize before this?”
“No, was I supposed to?”
“It’s too late. You should be fine.” You grabbed his BB cream (because what was the point in using your foundation if he already had something and had no blemishes?) and began dabbing it into his skin with a makeup sponge.
“What is this little motion called?”
“Dabbing? That sounds pretty cringeworthy.”
“If you dab, I’m breaking up with you.” Both of you laughed and you set the base with some powder. He turned his head and sneezed into the bend of his elbow, causing you to jump and almost spill powder everywhere. “Come on, man,” you whined and grabbed an eyeshadow palette and brushes. You opened the palette and began setting the eyes with a pale beige, then the realization hit you. “Dean, did you... did you pretend sneeze just to dab?”
“What?” He looked confused, but his eyes showed humor.
“Dean, come on. Don’t make this video cringeworthy.” He chuckled and closed his eyes for you to continue with the eyeshadow. You stuck with various shades of brown and applied a gold shimmery shade to the center of his lid.
“Are you going to take me out to dinner after this?”
You started doing his eyeliner with a chocolate brown gel and decided to wing it out. “Sure.”
“Sick. Where are we going?”
“McDonald’s drive-thru.”
You had just started smoking out some light brown shadow on his lower lid when he pulled away and gave you a look of shock. “What?! But I thought I was pretty.”
“You’re very pretty, so bring that pretty face back here.”
“Then why won’t you take me out to a high-class restaurant?” He brought his face back and you applied false lashes and mascara.
“McDonald’s is high-class.” You filled in his eyebrows with his brow pencil and grabbed a palette containing contour and highlight. You very lightly and carefully defined his cheekbones, nose, jawline, and forehead, and popped some highlight on the peeks of his cheekbones and tip of his nose. He looked prettier than you at the moment and you felt slightly intimidated. You applied a rose pink lipliner and lipstick to his lips and announced, “Okay, it’s done!” You handed him a handheld mirror and he looked at himself at every angle. “What do you think?”
“I’d do me.”
“Of course you would. Thank you so much for watching!” You turned off the camera and started cleaning up. “Alright, you can take off the makeup.”
“Nah, I’m kind of feeling this. I would never do it and it’s far too time consuming, but I look great.” He started helping you clean up and you broke out in laughter.
“To think you were the one putting this off for so long.”
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saidrabbles · 3 years
concert date
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pairing: harry x reader
warnings: none
summary: reader books tickets for them to attend the reader's favorite artist's concert; but harry does not enjoy the concert one bit.
notes: jealousy, fluff.
this is practically my first imagine, and it may be cringey. also i did not specify the artist performing, I'll leave that up to you :')
you woke up feeling giddy and excited. it will be a good day after all. you're going to (a/n) concert for the first time after being a fan for so many years. you've convinced your beloved boyfriend to come along as well, wanting to enjoy this important moment of your life with him. the concert is in a few hours, and you both agreed on having brunch before going to the concert hall. you dressed in an oversized white dress shirt with a beige cardigan over it, and black pleated pants.
as you sipped your macchiato, sitting on your kitchen stool, you heard the phone ring. you answered quickly, almost too quickly "come on out pretty lady, im waiting outside" harry said and you could feel his smile. you collect your things and make your way to his newly owned car, surprised that he still hasn't scratched it yet. he was leaning on the passengers door, looking like a huge fluff ball with his oversized black sweater and jeans. the glasses he was wearing added points to his cute look. his duality always surprised you, how could he look so cute but hot at the same time? you went up to him, giving him a kiss on his cheek, then embraced him in a warm hug. "i missed you" you said, "i've been away for only 13 hours and you miss me already?" harry said with a slight smirk looking down at you; as you were fairly shorter than him. "let's go?" he said as he opened the door for you "thank you, gentleman" you said with a smile "ofcourse, m'lady".
during the ride you put on songs that will be performed in the concert, feeling the rush of excitement rush through you. "you're that excited, huh?" harry said while glancing at you, grinning at the expression you're making: doe eyes, a wide smile, looking so adorable that he wanted to kiss you right there. you reach the concert venue, sighing at the long line of people waiting to check in. holding hands, you make your way to the end of the line. "let's see how great this artist is in live performances..." harry trailed off. he heard their songs numerous times, because you always put them on, feeling instantly happier. come to think of it, you listen to them more than to his music. harry involuntarily tightens his hold of your hand. you look at him "babe..? what's wrong?" harry comes back from the train of his thoughts and looks at you, "oh..sorry, i was lost in my thoughts for a second there" he tried to give you a small smile; but something was bothering him. you give him a funny look, deciding to let it go for now.
by the time you checked in and got to your seats, music videos were already playing on the big screen. everyone in the concert hall was singing along, including you. as you looked at harry, you noticed that he was in a daze. "ever since we've reached the venue, your mind has been somewhere else; did something happen?" harry turned to you, feeling slightly surprised "hm? nothing's wrong love, im just feeling a bit tired. maybe it's because of the heavy brunch we had earlier" he gave you a small smile. you did not buy what he said, so you cupped his cheeks and brought his face closer to you; "hmm what's wrong bub? did i do something?" harry ignored what you said, and closed the distance between you two, putting his hand on the side of your face, kissing you softly but with slight dominance. you kissed back, hands finding their way to the back of his hair, getting lost in the moment. after a few minutes, you both pulled away, catching your breath. you smiled at each other, looking deep into each other's eyes.
just then, fireworks were shooting into the air, signaling the start of the show. screams can be heard miles away from the hall. you were seated on the left side of the stage, in the ground seats, close enough to the stage to see the artist clearly. you were screaming the lyrics, jumping excitedly in your seat, having the time of your life. all this while, harry was staring at you, having not seen this side of you; wondering how many more he hasn't seen yet. he could see the artist glancing at you from time to time. and you would fangirl everytime it happened. "they're not even that good..." he mumbled. he was sulking at this point. he was jealous, very jealous of the artist on the stage right now. he was eager for the concert to end, for him to be the one to take you home, to confirm that you're his, and only his.
after set-lists of songs, encore stages, the concert came to an end. harry wanted to drag you out of there as fast as he can; but a person coming up to him stopped him. "miss?" you looked towards the source of the sound, "are you talking...to me?" the stranger replied with a yes and told you something that left you shocked. "(a/n) really liked your energy today, and wanted to thank you personally backstage." you could not believe what you heard. the stranger turns out to be his body-guard; as he led you to (a/n) room backstage. harry had come along, getting ready to pull out a few punches if the artist tried to make a move. you knocked on the door, and heard a voice from the inside telling you to come in. you stood there, in pure awe and admiration for the person standing infront of you. "i loved your performances today, you were amazing" they smiled and harry could've sworn he saw them smirk. "im y/n, and im a huge fan". the artist then replied "it's nice to meet you, y/n, and i'm glad you liked my performance today" he continued "you're really pretty, by the way". he was clearly smirking now. "thank you" was all that you said. all this time, harry felt invisible in the room, and kept glaring at them. "i think we clicked instantly, and I would like to take you out to lunch, maybe?" you looked at him, shocked. they then gave you their phone and continued, "if you could put in your number, i would love to talk about us in a calmer place, just the two of us". that's when harry lost it. he could not take any of it anymore, and he wanted to plunge at him for even daring to ask you out on a date. he was walking towards them until you spoke up. "im a huge fan of your music and your voice, but i never said that i was interested in you as a love interest. the fact that you ignored my man who's standing right beside me is rude enough, so for you to dare and ask me out on a date is over the top." you threw the phone on the sofa beside you, glared at him, and then took harry's hand in yours and made your way to the exit.
harry was driving you home and he could feel the tension in the air. "im sorry" he heard you say. he glanced at you, and you looked at him"i was not aware that this might be his intention, and you had to see all of that unfold before you. im sure you were hurt, i didn't mean for this to happen." tears well up in your eyes so you looked away from him, busying yourself with the outside view. he interlocked his free hand with yours, whispering reassuring phrases; "it's okay baby, i know you did not mean for this to happen, he was the jerk here, it's not your fault." you reached the apartment and as soon as harry opened the door for you and you got out, he pulled you into his arms. he held you tightly, rubbing small circles on the small of your back. that's when you couldn't hold back your tears any longer, and let it all out. you were so disappointed; the person you listened to for comfort was strikingly different than the person you met today. you were emotionally devastated.
after a while, you stopped crying but was still holding him close to you. harry pulled away, cupping your face while wiping strayed tears away with his thumb. he then kissed the top of your head, your nose, your cheeks, and looked at your lips. that's when you pulled him from the hem of his sweater, kissing him. the kiss was not like any other, no lust involved, just pure love and appreciation. you both pulled away, smiling. he rested his forehead on yours. "i love you...so much. i love you (y/n)." you couldn't contain your huge grin, giving him a kiss on his cheek, you said "i love you, harry."
harry intended to go back to his apartment, but you dragged him into yours for more cuddles and movies.
a/n: i don't know how to feel about this one, but i kinda like it c: i hope y'all like it ♡
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a-fence · 2 years
[12:48AM] “Oppa I’m home” you shouted as soon as you entered your apartment. Torry comes rushing to you with a stuffed chicken drumstick in her mouth as you remove your shoes by the door. Torry drops the toy by your feet and looks up at you expectantly. “Can we play after I shower?” you say as you pet her.
You walk into the living room, Torry in tow, with no sign of The Quiett. “Ya Shin Dong Gab! Where are you?” you shouted into the seemingly empty apartment. Then you notice music playing softly from his studio.
You knock twice and opened the door, and there he was, lost in his own world as he’s making music. You hugged him from behind and pecked his cheek. “I’m home oppa” you say, still hugging him. He kissed your hand and says “Sorry I was busy. Pull up a chair. I want you to listen to what I’m working on.”
So you did, and once you were seated, he placed the headphones on your ears and plays you what he’s been working on. You place your head against his shoulder as you listen and your feet slowly tapped along to the beat of the song. Torry then settled herself between your feet and Dong Gab’s, seemingly noticing that no one will play with her at the moment.
You brought the headphones down when the song ended. “It’s a good song. But then again, we both know there’s not a song of yours that I don’t like,” you commented, earning a chuckle from Dong Gab. “How was your day?” he inquired. You lifted your head and faced him. “Same, same” you sighed and gave Dong Gab a tired smile. You’ve been a [insert job here] and it was exciting at first but lately, everything has felt like a routine. 
He held your hand and said “I provide for you; you can stop working now.” You looked at him incredulously and he quickly added, “Although technically I only provide for you partially because you’re a strong independent woman and you want to be able to afford things for yourself,” which made you laugh out loud. It makes your heart ache a bit at how much you love this man.
“It’s settled then! I’m turning in my resignation letter tomorrow and then I’ll make your dream come true of becoming a sugar daddy!” you proclaimed with a fist in the air. “Are you sure that’s my dream? Or is it your dream to be a sugar baby? Huh? Huh?” he replied and he started poking you, knowing well all your ticklish spots. “Oppa! Stoooop! Please!” you said in between laughs. He stopped his poking long enough for you to say “I’ll cook you the best meals in the world and you will never go hungry!” “Okay, okay truce. You know I like your cooking the best.” 
You kissed him on the lips and said “I love you oppa.” “I love you too [y/n].” You left Dong Gab in the studio to finish his song, with a sleeping Torry by his feet; your tiredness lifted after a long day of work.
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noonachronicles · 7 years
Forgive and Regret
Jung Kiseok/ Simon Dominic X Reader
Part of the angst/fluff prompt challenge. 
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The sound of keys jingling in the front door woke you from your sleep. Of course, you’d fallen asleep in the living room again. As quick as you could you wiped the sleep from your eyes and tried to clean up the papers that had fallen from your lap and onto the floor. There was still a struggle at the door when you were finished so you got up quickly and opened it from the inside.
“Hey,” you said quietly pulling the door open for him. He nodded in reply.
You helped him remove the bags that lined his arms as he held onto your daughter while she slept against his shoulder. You placed several small kisses against her hands and cheek before he walked her back into her bedroom to tuck her in.
“It’s late, shouldn’t you be asleep?” He asked finding you in the kitchen as you waited for the tea kettle to go off.
“Tea?” You asked avoiding the question.
“Yes, please.” He said leaning against the counter. The kitchen was so small that it didn’t matter where you stood, he was always going to be within a touching distance. “Did you fall asleep while you were working again? You have to take care of yourself since I’m not here to make sure you are.”
“I’m fine.” You said defiantly and turned to the stove as the kettle began its song.
“I worry about you. Kira…Kira said you’ve been crying a lot.
“Kira shouldn’t be saying things like that to you anymore, it’s not your problem.” You slid a mug across the short distance between the two of you.
“It could be, if you’d just let me back in.” He said quietly.
“I know, I’m sorry.” He responded quickly, “Do you need anything? Money?”
Your face snapped towards his quickly, angrily, “I do just fine.”
He sighed, defeated. “I’m not offering as a handout. You do so much for our family. It’s the least I could do to remove any money related stress. That’s all I meant.”
The two of you stood quietly. You looked down at your feet, your toes inches from his. It was always easier when he wasn’t around for awhile. When he had a tour or a concert and couldn’t make his weekend. It made you feel terrible because it meant that Kira missed out, but seeing him just reminded you too much.
It reminded you of when the two of you first met. It reminded you of how nervous he looked when he kissed you for the first time. You remembered being shook by the man you’d seen as nothing but confident look remotely concerned about rejection. Seeing him reminded you of the day you moved in together, arguing about where things should go, extra irritated from exhaustion and heat. He reminded you of the angry makeup sex you shared all over your messy, box filled home.
He reminded you of the birthday dinner you’d had when he asked you to marry him. He reminded you of the first few years after the wedding, just the two of you. You went with him to so many new places, had so many new experiences those years.
Seeing Kiseok made you think about the moment you realized you were pregnant. It reminded you of how diligent he was during the pregnancy. He reminded you of how good he was with Kira. How much he loved her.
He also reminded you of the arguments. You’d struggled so much. Your first year with a new baby and Kiseok was always away at work or on tour. You fought so often, worse than you ever had before. Then she turned two and the fighting stopped even though the anger was still there. You were just tired. That’s when you felt your relationship dying. You knew fighting was better than having given up but you didn’t have the energy anymore.
Then when you thought it couldn’t get much worse, he confessed to the cheating. He promised it was once. That he would never do it again. It was an accident. She meant nothing. He let the conflict get the best of him. That’s when you separated. That’s when this became your life.
You pushed your foot slightly forward and rubbed your toe against the side of his heel. He rubbed his foot against yours and after a moment of silence he held out his hand to you. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you into his body, taking your breath away. He pressed his lips against your neck and shoulder, breathing you in. Your breath came out in heavy pants. It felt so good to be touched that it hurt.
He kissed across the tops of your breasts and back up your neck and your nails dug into his shoulders. He kissed along your cheeks and your jaw. He kissed your ears and your eyelids and your nose. You only stopped him when he went for your lips. You placed your fingers in front of his mouth. If he kissed you for real, it would be over, you would fall back into him.
“Baby, please.” He begged, forehead pressed against yours, “I will do anything. I just need you back. I hate my life when you’re not in it.”
He dropped his head to your chest and cried. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and comforted him as best you could through your own tears. “We have to see a counselor.” You said after a few minutes.
He lifted his head, hope shining in his eyes. “Of course.”
“You need to be around more.”
“Everyday.” He promised without hesitation.
“I need you to promise me…” you said finally. Your last condition.
He didn’t need to ask what the promise was that you needed. He lifted his palms to your cheeks and looked you dead in the eye. “I will never, ever hurt you like again. I swear on everything. My life, our family, all of it. Never again.”
You wiped the tears off of his cheeks and whispered “I love you.”
He rested his head against your shoulder and sobbed. You gently kissed the top of his head. You’d remember this. You’d remember the way he said he loved you. The sincerity. He’d remember how much he had hurt you and how much he had hurt as a consequence and he would, as he would continue to promise, never hurt you again.
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